Summer Camp Program
July 5, 2021 - August 13, 2021
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
This year, Project: VISION will be offering its summer camp remotely at a reduced cost for rising 5th through 9th graders to help keep students engaged during the summer months and to combat learning loss from both being out of school and summer slide. We will have activities based on weekly themes. Each day will involve an academic lesson to keep kids learning during the summer, a project or craft, and either a game or life skill lesson. Each week will also incorporate social and emotional learning and STEM, and campers will receive activities they can do outside of camp hours.
We have discounts available for families affected by COVID-19. Please contact us on WeChat at pvchicago or at Taylor@projectvisionchicago.org if you would like a discount.
Selection Options 选项:
You may choose any number of weeks you would like for your student. For example, if you want to sign up for Week 1-Week 6 for one student, change the quantity of each week to 1. If you would like to just sign up for Weeks 1-3 for one student, change the quantity of Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3 to 1, and keep Weeks 4-6 at quantity 0. If you would like to sign up multiple campers, you must fill out the registration individually for each camper. Please contact us directly for assistance!
Venue: Virtual