MAY 2018

We’re happy to announce that effective immediately, Steve Albright has been named Chair of the Board of Directors. As the organization’s Chair, Steve will oversee governance, Board meetings, work in partnership with the Executive Director to ensure Board resolutions are carried out and act as a spokesman for the organization.

Steve’s service to Project: VISION as a Board member over the past year has been invaluable, so we are extremely fortunate to have him now step into the role of Chair. Since first joining in July 2017, Steve has been a prominent leader for the strategy committee, bringing a level of understanding and passion for the long-term development we need. We are looking forward to working with Steve and the Board to help Project: VISION reach new milestones!

Steve most recently worked at W. W. Grainger, Inc. as the Director, Human Resources Shared Services. His successes include developing and implementing domestic and global business strategies, optimizing capital and expense investments and leveraging the value of diverse teams to fully optimize talent. He will fully leverage his experience to create immediate impact within Project: VISION.

His passion for youth development began during the 7 years he spent as the Booster Club President for Crystal Lake South H.S. where he led the effort to implement a college scholarship fund, provided club funds for a college testing program and supported numerous student clubs, sports and activities.

In this role Steve’s vision is to “Build upon the great work Project: VISION has been doing to bring high-quality educational and leadership development, while instilling civic responsibility, to our nearly 200 students. We’ll accomplish this by implementing a strategy which will enable growth, productivity and long-term success while having a clear focus on the needs of our students, their families, our supporters and the community.”