October 2018
Every year, the Bank of America Chicago Marathon connects us across 29 neighborhoods, 130 countries, 50 states, finishing times, languages and cultures. It magnifies the strength and unity of our running community and it speaks to something special about our human capacity to persevere and to cheer each other on.
Project: VISION’s 54 volunteers (most students) joined the team of over 12,000 volunteers on Sunday, October 7th to support over 40,000 Chicago Marathon participants! Aid Station 17, Mile Marker 22.2 (Chinatown) had 270 people volunteering despite the cold and rainy conditions. We passed out Gatorade, water, bananas to runners and cleaned up the streets. More importantly, we cheered on the runners with all our hearts, giving them an extra push of motivation for the final stretch to their finish.
We were so inspired, motivated and energized to witness these amazing Chicago Marathon participants run for such great causes, meaningful reasons, and personal achievements and show our students that anything is possible.