Compression, Airway, Breathing, Repeat
February 2019
The Health Awareness Prevention and Promotion by Youth leadership program is a year-long leadership project that will engages 30 youth in learning about the health sciences through community service. To bridge academics with its practical applications, youth will learn a broader definition of health to not only include physical health but also mental, social, and environmental health and make connections to public health challenges in our community. Throughout the year, youth will work in teams to research, design, and implement a service project to address a public health issue relevant to their community.
This month, students learned about how the Pulmonary system works. They also discussed the dangers of smoking on their physical health and the health of their environment. In stations, students listened to lung sounds, learned the financial repercussions of smoking and practiced CPR! A big thank you to our medical mentors from Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine, APAMSA!
In the remaining months, Project: VISION students will continue to work on their projects that addresses different of health and wellness like environmental health, social health, mental health, and more. Their hard work will culminate at the end of the school year at Project: VISION’s third annual HAPPY Project launch to be held Saturday, June 8th at the Chinatown Library. Stay tuned for more on the event!