Thank you for supporting PV in the New Year!

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Project: VISION’s
20th Year Anniversary in 2023!
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this holiday season:
Give Voices to their Stories:
Days left until End of December

Through Project: VISION, I have learned how to step out of my comfort zone and strengthen my interpersonal skills. The tutors and staff at PV create an atmosphere in which students are comfortable speaking up for themselves and can express their needs. Service learning opportunities helped me realize that I can make a difference and impact my community in a positive way. I feel like I could also use my skills to help others in the future by providing the resources they need to succeed. I’m grateful that PV provides programs that allow students like me to become leaders by hosting events that can benefit others, whether learning how to serve your community or internally strengthening the student body of PV. The tutors and staff at PV and the leadership programs provided by PV helped mold me into the person I am today.
As PV continues to support students, it will be able to inspire more students to become young leaders. Please consider making a donation so that Project: VISION can continue to help other students like me realize their dreams. Thank you!
Through Project: VISION, I have learned how to step out of my comfort zone and strengthen my interpersonal skills. The tutors and staff at PV create an atmosphere in which students are comfortable speaking up for themselves and can express their needs. Service learning opportunities helped me realize that I can make a difference and impact my community in a positive way. I feel like I could also use my skills to help others in the future by providing the resources they need to succeed. I’m grateful that PV provides programs that allow students like me to become leaders by hosting events that can benefit others, whether learning how to serve your community or internally strengthening the student body of PV. The tutors and staff at PV and the leadership programs provided by PV helped mold me into the person I am today.
As PV continues to support students, it will be able to inspire more students to become young leaders. Please consider making a donation so that Project: VISION can continue to help other students like me realize their dreams. Thank you!
My journey with Project: VISION started in 6th grade. At first, PV seemed like just another boring homework tutoring center. However, I decided to give it a chance after my brother, who joined a year before me, told me about the variety of snacks they offered. Honestly, I dreaded going to PV initially because I felt somewhat lonely. I was shy, soft-spoken, and had trouble making friends. Luckily, PV has helped me combat that. Over the past three years, I have not only received the academic support I wanted, but I also gained a sense of community. I remember how some of the tutors and staff would sit and talk with me for an hour when I had no one else. When I found out I got into my first-choice high school in 8th grade, the staff got just as excited as I was. It is heartwarming to know that PV isn’t just another tutoring center, but they care about me as a person.
Through tutoring, test prep, goal setting, service learning projects, exciting new programs, etc., PV is helping me develop into a well-rounded person. I get the opportunity to help my community, explore my interests, and try new things, all while keeping up with schoolwork. This is truly an experience of a lifetime, and I am forever grateful to Project: VISION for that.

I’ve never had the opportunity to be civically active in my community. That is until Project: Vision presented a chance for me to become an act of change in the community. I signed up for YPAC, a leadership program, at the beginning of my freshman year. To be honest, I only signed up because we were required to. But when I heard about what we would accomplish in this program, I was extremely excited. Never in my life did I have the opportunity to help the Chinatown community as they’ve helped me.
Throughout YPAC, we learned about prevalent issues in the Chinatown community, such as hunger and homelessness. My group chose to aid homeless individuals through the upcoming winter. We learned how to plan a clothing drive, market our ideas using social media, and take leadership roles in this project. At the end of the program, we donated all the collected clothes to a homeless shelter. Overall, YPAC immensely improved my confidence and showed me that I have the power to aid my community. This wouldn’t have been possible if it weren’t for Project: VISION.
Total raised
- End of the Year Goal 112%
of 10,000 Raised
Students Impacted *
Double Your Impact!
of additional matching funds to unlock
A Special Corporate Partner has pledged to match – dollar for dollar – every donation we receive from now until Dec. 31st, up to $1,000.
of $1,000 Matching Unlocked!
- 100%
Every $1 raised up to $1,000 will be DOUBLED!
Any amount you give today will help raise $ 2,000 when matched by these additional funds.
Looking to give back in tangible ways? Here are some ways we can make a difference with these funds:
Other Ways to Support us
this Holiday Season!
Become a PV Change Maker Donor
As 2022 ends, we’re using our spare change to make BIG change in the lives of youth in 2023! PV Change Makers, our Round-Up Program, allows you to round up your everyday purchases and donate that spare change to PV. We use it to buy everyday supplies for our programs, etc.
If you want to learn more and join PV Change Makers, sign up: CHANGE MAKERS
Become A PV Visionary Monthly Donor
Your monthly donation adds up. By giving monthly, you invest what makes sense for you and make a difference for Project: VISION youth, every single month. Monthly gifts enable PV to focus on the areas of greatest need, expand our programs, and work toward our strategic plans for a better future.
If you want to learn more and join PV Visionaries, sign up: VISIONARIES
Support PV when you shop on Amazon
1. Sign in to amazon.com and choose Project: VISION, Inc. as your favorite charity.
2. Shop on Amazon at smile.amazon.com.
3. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases.
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